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ExpoExpo 2017

4.8 ( 8368 ratings )

Expo! Expo! IAEEs Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2017 seems to be the best “show for shows" ever!
Would you like to learn about the latest industry trends and technology, as well as network with like-minded professionals?
You cant miss this spectacular face-to-face meeting with diverse group of buyers and sellers together to get to know the tools, best practices and innovative solutions needed to plan and manage successful trade shows and events.

Come & see or visit online Expo! Expo! IAEEs Annual Meeting & Exhibition 28-30 Nov 2017, San Antonio, Texas!

Our ExpoExpo 2017 application provide you with general information about the event and all exhibitors, let you find every stand in a quick and comfortable way, create your own follow list of exhibitors and even see "the show" in VR.
It also helps you organise your visit by using the interactive map of the event!
Visit and learn more about our innovative solutions!